Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Normally, when a person does spring cleaning they are getting rid of stuff. Me, i can't wait to bring stuff in.

I have just started running an indoor studio. I usually took all of my pictures outside. I love taking pictures outside. There is just something about it that adds unspeakable beauty to the pictures. With the bright green grass, the deep blue sky or  frothy white water fall.

Incorporating a indoor studio has been a challenge. Not only to you have to by everything but know what you are doing. I don't know why, but i keep second guessing myself with the lighting. I didn't go out and buy the big expensive soft boxes or strobes. I just set up four flood light in several different areas in the studio. I know that isn't the best, but when you have a tight budget anything works. We have finally found the perfect wattage. We started out with 75watts but that was extremely blinding and hot. We now have a soft 45 watts set up. Given what i think is a comfortable coverage of light.

Also, i can't afford to buy the backdrops or stands so I made my own. I went and bought California King Sheets, yards and yards of fabric and vinyl. In the long run probably wouldn't have made any difference in the prices. My dad put in a bar so i can hang the backdrops from. So you can say that i am a penny pincher,  but someday i would like to have some if not all authentic studio equipment. Until i get some more clients paying me some big bucks i will have to do with what i have going now.
This is my Grandma.
She was my model while
perfected my lights.

The worst thing is the studio isn't even in my own house. It's in my Grandma's empty den. She don't mind for the most part. My first photo shoot over there, was a family shoot, and we all were in the back room taking the pictures and grandma was in the kitchen. She didn't say a word. Well when the family left we were sitting down looking at the RAW pictures when she asked, "Next time do you want me to leave?"

I looked a her with a puzzled smile, " No, why would you say that?"

"I felt like i was intruding!" she replied.

I looked at her and just giggled, "Intruding, Grandma it's your house."

"Well i know that, but i felt in the way." Now keep in mind, this isn't a small house. There is a huge living room separating the kitchen and the Den area. She was basically two rooms over. I told her, "If anything Grandma, we are intruding. You could have came back and talked to them if you wanted."

She said no and that is was okay that i was using her room, It wasn't being used anyway and someone should be using it. And so you all know, she does get rent out of it. Not much but something to show her my appreciation for letting me use her spare room. I think it was like 2% of what i make off of each shoot.

So now not only do i have my own house to take care of this spring. I have my "makeshift" studio at my grandma's house. I guess it gives me reasons to come and visit it. Probably get drug into cleaning the rest of her house. Oh Well.

Aaahhh, Spring Cleaning!!

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