Monday, January 7, 2013

New for 2013!!!

Sorry, i have haven't written in months. I have been busy! Both personal and professionally.

My happy little family!
Alaina Ann
On a personal note: i had a beautiful little girl in November her name is Alaina Ann, and i love her to death. I have been spending most of my time with her. In my free time i have been working on ways to better my business.

In December i lost my older brother to an unforeseeable accident. His name was Nathan and he was only 33 and has three children. We just laid him to rest two days after Christmas it was a difficult time.

Hope Weber
Since my last post, Morgan had a beautiful little lady named Hope. We were blessed to be able to take her newborn pictures also. Now miss Hope is almost five months old. Cute little chunker. I hope to have her back in the studio in the upcoming months. After Morgan, i had a beautiful senior come from Hillsboro High School. Cassidy ended up being our representative for Hillsboro. We did two separate sessions for her senior pics. As a representative one of your jobs is to send business to Revels photography and she did just that.

Cassidy Senior
Karin Senior
From Cassidy, Karen inquired about her photos to be taken. Karin was a challenge. She isn't a feminine young women. Which isn't a bad thing i love a challenge. I had to get out of my head the girly poses, and lean more towards the manly poses. To start the session off she had a dress on. We could tell immediately that she wasn't comfortable at all in it. It was a request of her moms to have her formal pictures taken in a dress. Believe me i hardly recognized her when she came out in a dress and her hair all done up.  As we slowly got her into her normal clothes her personality began to shine. We had more smiles come more naturally and she began to glow with radiance.

Cassidy and Steven
Then our Senior rep Cassidy came back for some maternity pictures. Yup, this beautiful little lady was about to have a handsome little man named Ashton Lee. By the way she had yesterday (1/6/13). Her and her whole family came for the maternity pictures and what a glorious day that was. We had so many laughs even my pregnant belly hurt. I was 9 months and still squatting to get the right angle. We even went to places i have never been before. If you were scared of heights WildCat Park is not the place for you.

Now, we are just waiting for our call from miss Cassidy and baby Ashton so i can show you his beautiful face. I will meet him for the first time in two weeks. I can't wait.

Well now that we are in the New Year, i have some changes being made. First off, I have added 30 minute mini sessions for $75. you will receive 10 free 4x6 prints as well.

I will be have a monthly special or mini session available. I am working on getting my PayPal account set up so i can accept credit cards.

And our main goal is.... MORE BUSINESS!

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