Monday, October 24, 2011

Frustrations and Complications!

Hey ya'll. I haven't just talked to you in a while. As you all can see the business is blooming. I have an average about two shoots a month. It's nice to have that artistic release outside of my routine of life.

What has happened since the last time we talked?

Well, beyond the obvious, i  currently work two jobs, plus do the photographer thing. I work close to home as a Physical Therapist assistant in Hillsboro Wisconsin and I am also a Administrator to an Assisted Living Apartment in Baraboo Wisconsin. I joined the gym and bowling league has started up again.

Phew! Writing it all out is tiring. Lol! It all balances itself out through the week. My hours are set. I basically work 9-5, Monday-Friday. I work out three times a week. By they way i have lost 26 pounds since i have joined in August. I know exciting. I bowl Tuesdays and Wednesdays, i am pretty good, if i say so myself. I have an average of 130. I will get a 500 this year. I have never gotten one in house before. I got one at State last March, but that don't really matter.

So what are we going to talk about today?

Well through the last 10 months of business, i have came across somethings that frustrate and complicate things.

1. Software: I have been trying several different programs. I have been using several of them through trail off the internet. I have used almost everything: Lightroom, Elements, Paintshop, Photoshop, Picasa, and Gimp. But after the 30 trail, i was unable to use them anymore.

So then i came down to money. What i can i afford. I loved using Paintshop Photo Pro x3 and ended up ordering it. I was pretty happy with it, until, i switched development companies. I went from Collages. Net to to I switch companies because i wanted to be able to offer several different things to my clients. With Mpixpro, there are things i would have loved to have available when i was a Senior: Wall clings,  Rep cards, Stand out, canvas and books.

Now with amazing things that i am able to offer, my simple Paintshop Photo Pro x3 program is inadequate. Mpixpro doesn't not offer templates in their ROES ordering program. So everything that i will be ordering i will have to make on my own. I am a little slow in this department and if i wanted to download templates for these thing. Paintshop Pro doesn't not support the files they are available in.

So yesterday i broke down and ordered another program. Adobe Elements 8. I think i will be mainly using it for the the templates and brushes that i know are available to use with it. So that small bump in the road is diverted.

2. Hard Drive Space. My current computer is about 6 years old. I still love to use it, but it's only a matter of time before i max out the Hard Drive Space. So i am on the prowl for a new Desktop, preferable with a large screen and lots of drive space. I know i could delete some of the stuff on my current computer to make more room for whats to come. But i am a computer hoarder. I am too scared to delete anything, i may need it in the future.

I have thought about getting a MAC computer and i would love an IMAC, but then the money i have spent on editing programs would be a waste. I would have to repurchase the programs to mac operating systems and i definitely can not afford that all over again.

3. Time: As we all know time is never on anyone's side. It' hasn't became a big deal yet but i can see where it will cause problems in the future. With the two other jobs, working out and trying to have social life. Getting done what i need to get done sometimes is a chore.

I used to have so much more time to look at photos and really thing about what i would love to see happen with them, editing wise. Now i am lucky if i get my watermark on them before i dead line to send them in to get put into a proof book.

These are just three of the complications that cause some frustrations these days, but i just have to sit down and think about what i a NEED to do  and put that before what i WANT to do. These things are nothing i can't handle and with some more time management plus more business they will be things i will be able to handle.

Thanks for reading and all of your support.

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