Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mieden Maternity!

Katie and Danny are close friends of my husbands and mine. When they first got pregnant they personally came to me and told me. It was sweet. Half way through her pregnancy they started talking about having pictures taken and asked if i would do them. I agreed.

They were overly excited about their new lil bundle of joy coming. They had been trying for several months, finally around Christmas Katie had gotten the news that she was pregnant. I don't know a better time to experience a more precious gift, then around Christmas. SO below i have some of my favorite shoots taken from our session.

UPDATE: Devin Williams Meiden was Born on September 12th at 4:55pm, 5lbs 14oz, 20 inches long. I will be having the honer of taken his newborn photos. So stay tuned!

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