Friday, June 24, 2011

Graduation: Kaity's Day!

While commenting that i was going to be at the Weston High School graduation. A proud mother asked it i would also take shots of her graduating daughter, Kaity. I was more then happy to have the chance.

 The flower ceremony, one point in the night i knew that there was going to be a touching moment.

 Probably my best shot of the night.

Like i said in my previous post, graduations were a new thing for me. I didn't know where to stand or what to expect. I was honored to be there for these two families, and to be able to catch a glimpse of the happiness and sense of achievement both the graduates and family felt.

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Schneider Family Connections!

I was hired by a friend to take pictures at her younger brothers high school graduation. If i had only known how much fun it was going to be taking them. You can really see the family connection throughout the pictures.

 They are so close they have to text each other while standing next to each other.
 Can you feel the closeness of all the siblings...

 The Whole big Happy Family!
 There's the smiling faces.
A proud older sister standing watch!
 Can you feel the pressure of getting older?

Honestly, i was really nervous about taking graduation pictures, what was i suppose to capture? I think i found what i was looking for. This family is completely close. They have a very quirky side. I believe i have captured it.

*Thank you to Pioneer Women (Seventies, Enchanted Layers, and Slight light ), Coffee Shop Blog (Burn), and MCP (mini fusion) for the actions used in these photos*

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Shower Gifts! Andrea.

I told you i was going to catch you all up on whats been going on since April. Well the last shoot i did was a Baby Shower Gift for my sister. I did a shoot and bought a Coffee Table book for her baby shower which is this weekend.

By the way, i am getting the Album from It will be my first. I am more than excited about it. has amazing costumer service, and products. I have been getting my prints from them most of this year and they are beautiful.

Now onto Andrea's pictures. I tried something different with her. Since i was paying for everything i tried different lighting. I have been struggling with the studio lighting, so i opened up all the windows, and used the natural lighting. I love them they gave them a beautiful glow.

 This is my favorite picture so far this year, i know thats weird but her serene look and angle of the photo is beautiful. I think i am improving with every shoot i have.
These are just a few of her photos and i am very happy with all of them.

Kelbel Family!

Well it's been awhile since i have written anything. Life is crazy. Since the last time i have talk to you i have had roughly three jobs. Today i am going to get you caught up. First off i am going to start with the Kelbel Family.

This was a unique shoot. Two-in-One. There was a Birthday shoot of the beautiful Tabitha who would be turning one the following week. Also there was a maternity shoot. Radiant Danielle was expecting their second child.

First off Miss Tabitha,

 The pictures below, i had just downloaded some brand new brushes for my editing program and i had to try them out without it looking to piniked. So what do you think.

So what do you think so far. Next i am gong to show you the beautiful maternity pictures i have taken of the very pregnant Danielle.

These were my first belly shots and overall i think  i did a descent job.  I love this last shot. The touch of the hands and the overall presence the picture shares. It's one of the those that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.