Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weber Maternity!!!

As i was saying in my last post, i had a new camera and no one to shoot. I had to close business down until i could figure out what to do. Well i had a beautiful friend who is amazingly pregnant and offered her a free maternity family shoot. In hopes to gather business from her pictures circulating over the internet. Here are the photos:

Well after two sessions and two different locations i was able to get some fresh photos on the internet. Because of these photos i have booked the next three weekends. A local senior, a one year shoot, and maternity sisters (three pregnant sisters one being the above model) Then of course my wedding on the following weekend. So i have a full months worth in the next few weeks and i am super excited.

Frustrations and complications.... update.

Well as you know i haven't posted in awhile and there are reasons. None in which were because i didn't have the work .... no! The work is there and being done, there just have been some detours on the way.

Shortly, after my last post "Wanted 2013 Seniors" my home and studio were broken into. I lost alot of stuff luckily my camera wasn't lost or stolen. I did lose my computer and whole years worth of pictures. LESSON 1 was learnt. BACKUP. If you have guessed i didn't. Big mistake... money was lost. I was able to make up some events but it came with a price.

Losing my computer was a HUGH set back. I couldn't do anything and the house hold only had one. I couldn't advertise, edit, or contact any of my vendors or clients. I was lost didn't know what to do. Well feburary this year was given an opportunity to purchase a new computer and i took it. It actually involved taking a loan out through a family member...  my number one fan and main confidant ... my daddy! He was the main reason i started working towards this dream he hired me for my sisters weddings and thats where i learnt it was where i could hire myself for work. I was jobless and my dad opened my eyes. Well he offered the money up to buy the computer i needed to get back to work. So i bought a brand new HP omni all in one desktop. love it. Also, all my software was gone so i also purchased Photoshop elements 10 and paintshop pro 4 through the same company. I was basically set. So i started advertising again.

I had a beautiful outdoor wedding in April for some close friends of mine. She has requested no photos online so i cant show you any. This wedding was also the first time i used my second photographer Alison Kim Photography. Which was a godsend.

Two weeks before the wedding my camera began throwing an error code. So had to get it fixed a week before the wedding. I went to the closest camera repair shop around me BNC CAMERA REPAIR in Madison, which was a two hour drive, one way. They were able to get it working the Thursday before the wedding. So i took it home and played with it to test it out.... it worked thank god. Then i began the cleaning and preparation fir the big day. Well somewhere between shooting and the wedding day my camera decided not to focus. I made it through the wedding day got some great shots and not so great shots. Like i said thank goodness for Alison being there between the two we got the wedding covered.

So now its almost August and i have another wedding coming up. Well i didnt have the funding to get my camera fixed. So i saved personal money up to buy another. I know its weird. My plan is to get the new one, shoot the wedding and with the earnings from the wedding get my other camera fixed, so i would have two cameras one for a back up. Brillant, right! The plus side is everything i have for my old camera is compatable with my new camera. So no extra money was needed for accessories. Well i did buy a flash but its still compatable with both.

So now i was this brand new used camera and nothing to shoot so what did i do....... to be continued.